Young Thinkers 2020
Before Christmas, our Junior classes entered an annual competition set by Morris & Co and the University Centre, Shrewsbury. This year’s creative task was to design an emblem for Charles Darwin, set in Shrewsbury, in the future. Of over 400 entries from across Shropshire, 20 finalists were chosen, and 9 of those finalists were St. Winefride’s pupils! Judges included the Shrewsbury University Provost, the Chairman of Morris & Co and popular local artist Linda Edwards of Sunny Side Art.
The children selected were invited to a special awards evening at the Shrewsbury Museum, at which the judges presented the winner with a prize. Each finalist was given a goodie bag and a huge version of their artwork to keep. If you’d like to see the entries, they are up in the entrance to the museum for a while. ‘Highly commended’ awards were given to Grace in J3 and Phoebe N in J1 for their outstanding work. Huge congratulations to all the finalists!