This year we all gathered together in the hall to celebrate our Harvest Festival. It was wonderful to be able to share this celebration as a whole school after having the last couple of years affected by Covid!
Our top class did a marvellous job of leading our assembly in prayer and thanksgiving, and each class performed their own Harvest song, dance or poem. We were grateful to be joined by Canon Chris, who blessed the many generous donations given for the Shrewsbury Foodbank. Our Head Boy and Girl and the Mini Vinnies oversaw the arranging of these gifts and added their own special messages of goodwill.
The Friends of St. Winefride’s also added to the jollities by serving teas and coffees to parents after the Harvest Festival so that we could gather as a community. Thank you very much for your hard work and thank you to all the children for their beautiful performances.
Pictured are Head Boy Jayden, Head Girl Erin and our Mini Vinnies President and Secretary Lucy and Milla.